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AdFresh™ special packaging material for long-term storage and importsexports

Date:5/26/2020 10:35:42 AM Hits:1624
AdFresh™ is a packaging film manufactured using our special polymers. Although the film is processed without micropores, it functions as a modified atmosphere film to suppress the respiration of fruits and vegetables based on its gas permeability, thus keeping produce fresh over long storage periods.

The effectiveness* of the product is currently being tested at sites where fruit is harvested and distributed. And with the aim of application for long-term storage and export, we are also taking part in consortiums for leading-edge and regional strategy projects implemented under the government’s scheme for subsidizing innovative technology development and emergency deployment businesses.

We are currently engaged in marketing activities with the aim of bringing this product to market in fiscal 2019.

*AdFresh™ has demonstrated long-term storage of grapes (Shine Muscat variety; roughly 5 months), persimmons (Fuyu; 4.5 months; see case example), and apples (Orin; 3 months). We have also confirmed that the product helps control anthracnose (dark spots on skin) in mangoes (Irwin).
